Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Room

There are two HumbleBundles running this week.  I've contributed to both and I'm already writing a post about one of the games they gave me.  The Room was part of an android-only bundle.  Usually the android bundles also include PC versions, but I'm not complaining.

I dig puzzles and The Room is one of the coolest and most satisfying puzzle games I've ever played.  If you're the type that can derive even a shred of joy from a puzzle, I suggest you immediately go get the bundle before it expires (if you're on Android) or go throw $2 at these people on the App Store if you're on iOS.  The game isn't on the Google Play store yet and as far as I can see, there's not even any mention of an Android version existing on their website.  I think us HumbleBundlers have some top-secret build or something...

The Room challenges you with opening a safe that has a bunch of intricate mechanics, hidden compartments, and even extra-dimensional attributes that require the use of a monocle of sorts to see.  This safe opens, evolves, and unfolds as you manipulate it.  The control scheme is very natural and intuitive and the puzzles are challenging but not so complicated or obscure to be frustrating.  I was constantly wondering "what's THIS do?"  I got through the whole game in an estimated 2 hours or so of total play time.  They're going to release another level in an update this summer and The Room 2 is mentioned as a fall release.  To that I say "shut up and take my money."

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