Thursday, September 5, 2013

Indie Games Are My Bag, Baby

I find myself playing far more indie games these days than big-budget "AAA" titles.  Some people complain to the effect that indie games are "stupid" and are money-grabbing attempts to cash in on retro games.  They're supposedly too short and aren't worth the money.

Well here's where I disagree.  I don't get much time to play games.  I manage to sample a wide variety of them, but when it comes down to it, I'm not spending 30 hours a week playing games.  If I get an hour or two every couple of nights that's a good week.  This is why I dig a lot of indie games.  Rather than spend $60 on a huge game that I know I'll NEVER complete, I can drop $5-$10 on a pretty decent indie game that gives me just as much (or more) enjoyment.  I like a game that I can play for a short time, drop, and come back later for another 20 minute session.  Many indie games also run on multiple platforms.  So when I'm dabbling in linux I still have some things to keep me entertained without having to reboot Windows.

I've put a game out there.  I've seen Indie Game.  There are some REALLY great indie games out there.  I know that many of the little guys need (and deserve) the support far more than MegaPublishers who put out DRM-infested garbage.  There are still a few "mainstream" games that get me excited, and I'm not an indie fanboy for the sake of being one.  I just find myself connecting to indie games more easily and more frequently than the EA/Activision/Cryware shooter of the month.

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