I've been busy. Hm, no, that's not right. Apathetic. No one reads this and I didn't feel like keeping up with this when I'm the only one that will ever see it. I've played a few new games since last post, but nothing awesome enough that really impels me to write something.
I recently participated in a Corona Blitz where the task was to try to create a game in 4 hours. My entry wasn't fancy but it was fun all the same. Doing that inspired me to do some more experimentation. I dug up an old proof of concept I made last year and decided to push forward and make it into a game. Perhaps I'll post some tidbits here as I make progress.
I've also embarked on learning JavaScript - not the "look at some tutorials, hack together code, and pretend I know JS" type of learning. I got me a 3" thick book, blew through the courses on Code Academy, and I'm learning the nuts and bolts. This endeavor serves two purposes for me: 1) build some nifty apps in nodeJS that will facilitate my sysadmin duties at work, and 2) be able to jump right into scripting in Unity.
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